Industry Retailers Products Services Standards


   Mondesso Packaging Private Limited is dedicated to servicing all partners in the retail supply chain by providing end-to-end solutions to meet packaging and display related requirements as per the designs, standards and specifications of Global Retailers. This includes brand concepts, graphics, products and solutions that are not just creative but also practical, right from concept to execution.

Backed by over 22 years of experience in the field, and a strong manufacturing connect, we are able to provide high quality, cost effective and innovative solutions that are able to help retailers connect with their customers in the most effective manner. Our manufacturing is compliant with international standards and follows ethical business practices.

Our team consists of skilled staff with highly creative designers and engineers who ensure that you are always provided the most innovative and up-to-date packaging. With our team’s constant customer-focused attitude, coupled with our commitment to sustainability, we ensure that you receive the solutions that are best for your brand.